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An illustration of two sets hands holding a yellow house against a dark blue background.

14 rehoused through Benton County’s Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool Program

* Español a continuación *

An illustration of two sets hands holding a yellow house against a dark blue background.

Fourteen (14) households (individuals or families) have moved into housing through the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool (FHSP) since its inception in July 2024. 

The FHSP funds, locates, and secures housing with wraparound supports for people experiencing homelessness with the ultimate goal of reducing the frequency and duration of homelessness. Key components of the project include: 

  • Housing navigation 
  • Intensive case management 
  • Street outreach 
  • Rent assistance and move in supports 
  • Property managers/owners engagement and recruitment 

What makes the FHSP unique in Benton County is that it brings property managers and owners to the table as key partners in Benton County’s response to homelessness. The FHSP does this through outreach, education, and recruitment of property owners and managers; innovative lease and contract agreements to incentivize property owners/managers participation; and conflict resolution between tenants and property owners/managers aimed at preventing eviction. 

“The success of this program relies on strong relationships with property owners and managers and our network of local homeless service providers.”  

Rebecca Taylor, Project Manager for the Benton County Coordinated Homeless Response Office (CHRO)

Street outreach teams and service providers from Benton County Health Department and community-based organizations identify participants eligible for FHSP services and work with the CHRO to ensure successful housing placements. 

“It’s not just a referral to our program and then we take it from there. We are in ongoing coordination with the referring support agencies and the property managers and owners to ensure successful housing placements. We couldn’t do this without our partners.”

Rebecca taylor

The FHSP is part of a state-funded pilot program led by the CHRO, a partnership including the City of Corvallis, City of Philomath, Community Services Consortium (CSC), and the Benton County Health Department. 

In July 2023, the CHRO was awarded $1.2 million through House Bill 5019 with a goal of achieving long-term housing stability for 31 households by June 30, 2025. An additional $975,000 was awarded through Oregon Senate Bill 5701 as part of the Oregon Rehousing Initiative (ORI) which increased the goal by twenty (20), for a total of 51 households. 

The CHRO continues to seek additional funding sources to develop programming and support staffing while maintaining as much flexible funding as possible to serve households in need. 

Recently, the CHRO successfully competed for two (2) one-time funding opportunities through InterCommunity Health Network – Coordinated Care Organization (IHN-CCO): 

“We’re grateful for the funding we’ve received from our state and local partners to help sustain this work. We also know that so much more systemic change is needed to ensure everyone in Benton County has an opportunity to live in decent, safe, and affordable housing.”

April Holland, Director of the Benton County Health Department. 

For more information on Benton County’s Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool program, visit their website at  


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or


14 hogares realojados por medio del Fondo de Ayuda de Vivienda Flexible del Condado de Benton

An illustration of two sets hands holding a yellow house against a dark blue background.

Catorce (14) hogares (individuos o familias) se han mudado a viviendas a por medio del Fondo de Ayuda de Vivienda Flexible (FHSP, por sus siglas en inglés) desde el inicio del program en julio de 2024. 

El programa de FHSP financia, ubica y asegura viviendas con apoyos integrales para personas sin hogar con el objetivo final de reducir la frecuencia y la duración de la falta de vivienda. Los componentes clave del proyecto incluyen: 

  • Navegación de vivienda 
  • Administración intensiva de casos 
  • Alcance a la comunidad 
  • Asistencia para pagar la renta y apoyo para la mudanza 
  • Participación y reclutamiento de administradores/dueños de propiedades 

Lo que hace que al programa de FHSP único en el Condado de Benton es que reúne a los administradores y dueños de propiedades como socios clave en responder a la falta de vivienda en el Condado de Benton. El programa de FHSP hace esto por medio de conexiones a la comunidad, la educación y el reclutamiento de dueños y administradores de propiedades; contratos de renta y acuerdos innovadores para motivar la participación de los dueños/administradores de propiedades; y la resolución de conflictos entre inquilinos y dueños/administradores de propiedades con el objetivo de prevenir el desalojo. 

“El éxito de este programa depende de las relaciones sólidas con los dueños y administradores de propiedades y nuestra red de proveedores de servicios locales para personas sin hogar”.

Rebecca Taylor, Gerente de Proyectos de la Oficina de Respuesta Coordinada para Personas sin Hogar del Condado de Benton (CHRO por sus siglas en inglés)

Los equipos de alcance a la comunidad y los proveedores de servicios del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton y las organizaciones comunitarias identifican a los participantes que son elegibles para los servicios del programa de FHSP y trabajan con la CHRO para garantizar la colocación exitosa de las viviendas. 

“No se trata solo de un referido a nuestro programa y luego nos encargamos de todo. Estamos en constante coordinación con las agencias de apoyo que refieren a nuestro programa y los administradores y dueños de propiedades para garantizar la colocación exitosa de las viviendas. No podríamos hacer esto sin nuestros socios”. 

Rebecca Taylor

El programa de FHSP es parte de un programa piloto financiado por el estado dirigido por el CHRO, una asociación que incluye a la Ciudad de Corvallis, la ciudad de Philomath, el Consorcio de Servicios Comunitarios (CSC) y el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton. 

En julio de 2023, el CHRO recibió $1.2 millones a través del Proyecto de Ley de la Cámara de Representantes 5019 con el objetivo de lograr estabilidad de vivienda a largo plazo para 31 hogares antes del 30 de junio de 2025. Además, se dieron $975,000 adicionales a través del Proyecto de Ley del Senado de Oregón 5701 como parte de la Iniciativa de Reubicación de Oregón (ORI), que aumentó la meta en veinte (20), para un total de 51 hogares. 

El CHRO continúa buscando fuentes de financiamiento adicionales para desarrollar la programación y el personal de apoyo, al mismo tiempo que mantiene la mayor cantidad posible de financiamiento flexible para atender a los hogares necesitados. 

Recientemente, el CHRO compitió con éxito por dos (2) oportunidades únicas para obtener fondos a través de InterCommunity Health Network – Coordinated Care Organization (IHN-CCO): 

“Estamos agradecidos por el financiamiento que hemos recibido de nuestros socios estatales y locales para ayudar a sostener este trabajo. También sabemos que se necesita mucho más un cambio sistemático para garantizar que todos en el Condado de Benton tengan la oportunidad de vivir en casas decentes, seguras y accesibles”. 

April Holland, Directora del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton

Para obtener más información sobre el programa de Ayuda de Vivienda Flexible del Condado de Benton, visite su sitio web en 


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

Funding Opportunity

Benton County offers funding for case management & street outreach to support rehousing

Funding Opportunity

***Español a continuación***

Benton County Health Department is seeking applications from eligible entities to help support case management and street outreach services for the Coordinated Homeless Response Office’s Rapid Rehousing Initiative to reduce homelessness in Benton County. 

Up to $360,000 is available for case management services and up to $80,000 for street outreach services. These services will play an important role in Benton County’s House Bill (HB) 5019 Rapid Rehousing Initiative that will coordinate a system of care to address and prevent homelessness through a Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool (FHSP) led by Benton County Health Department. The goal of the HB 5019 Rapid Rehousing Initiative is to achieve long-term housing stability for 31 households by June 30, 2025.   

The Health Department is committed to sustaining effective strategies beyond the initial HB 5019 investments to support rapid rehousing. The goal of the FHSP is to coordinate a system of care that fully addresses the unique and complex needs and barriers of people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The FHSP will work to achieve this goal by providing centralized access to: 

  1. Housing navigation 
  1. Tenancy supports 
  1. Intensive case management 
  1. Street outreach 
  1. Rental subsidies  
  1. Landlord engagement and incentives 

“We are grateful to our partners at Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) for this funding opportunity to support our community’s coordinated response to homelessness.   

We have a strong network of housing and homeless service providers who play a critical role towards our shared vision that everyone in Benton County should have an opportunity to live in decent, safe, and affordable housing.”  

April Holland, Interim Health Department Director

All provided services will be culturally responsive, low barrier, and ensure equitable access and outcomes through Housing First principles and evidence-based practices. Services will be provided with a health equity, trauma-informed, and harm reduction approach. Culturally responsive programs and services will be prioritized. 

Interested organizations should review the Notice of Funding Opportunity on the Benton County website, available starting March 15, 2024. Proposals must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., April 15, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by a Benton County Health Department evaluation committee with a funding recommendation forwarded to the Board of Commissioners for final approval.   

For more information on this request for proposals, please contact Coordinated Homeless Response Office Project Manager, Rebecca Taylor, at 541-766-6787 or  


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or


El Condado de Benton ofrece fondos para la administración de casos y ayuda en las calles para colaborar con el realojamiento

Oportunidad de Recursos

El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton está pidiendo solicitudes de organizaciones que califiquen para colaborar con el proceso de administración de los servicios para personas bajo la Iniciativa de Realojamiento Rápido de la Oficina de Respuesta Coordinada para las Personas sin Hogar para reducir la falta de vivienda en el Condado de Benton. 

Hay un total de $360,000 disponibles para servicios de administración de casos y $80,000 para servicios de alcance a la comunidad. Estos servicios desempeñarán un papel importante en la Iniciativa de Realojamiento Rápido bajo la Ley 5019 de la Camara de Representantes, del Condado de Benton que coordinará un sistema de atención para enfrentar y prevenir la falta de vivienda por medio de un Fondo de Ayudas de Vivienda Flexible (FHSP por sus siglas en inglés) dirigido por el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton. El objetivo de la Iniciativa de Realojamiento Rápido de la Ley 5019 es lograr estabilidad de vivienda a largo plazo para 31 hogares antes del 30 de junio de 2025. 

El Departamento de Salud está comprometido a mantener estrategias efectivas más allá de las inversiones iniciales de la Ley 5019 para apoyar un realojamiento rápido. El objetivo del fondo FHSP es coordinar un sistema de atención que enfrente completamente las necesidades y las barreras únicas y difíciles de las personas que se encuentran sin hogar o en riesgo de quedarse sin hogar. El fondo FHSP trabajará para lograr este objetivo ofreciendo acceso centralizado a: 

  1. Navegación de vivienda 
  1. Apoyos para poder rentar 
  1. Servicios intensivos de apoyos 
  1. Alcance a la comunidad 
  1. Apoyo ecónomico para pagar la renta 
  1. Compromiso e incentivos de los propietarios 

“Estamos agradecidos con nuestros socios de Servicios Comunitarios y de Vivienda de Oregón (OHCS) por esta oportunidad de tener un fondo para apoyar la respuesta coordinada de nuestra comunidad a las personas sin hogar.

Tenemos una sólida red de organizaciones de servicios de vivienda y para personas sin hogar que desempeñan un papel fundamental en nuestra visión compartida de que todos en el Condado de Benton deben tener la oportunidad de habitar en viviendas decentes, seguras y de bajo costo.” 

April Holland, directora interina del Departamento de Salud

Todos los servicios ofrecidos serán culturalmente apropiados, de bajos requisitos y garantizarán acceso y resultados equitativos a través de los principios de Housing First (Vivienda Primero) y prácticas basadas en evidencia. Los servicios se brindarán con un enfoque de equidad en salud, no retraumatizar a las personas y ofrecer servicios con el proposito de reducir daños. Se darán prioridad a los programas y servicios culturalmente receptivos. 

Las organizaciones interesadas deben revisar el Aviso de Oportunidad de Financiamiento (inglés solamente) en el sitio web del Condado de Benton, disponible a partir del 15 de marzo de 2024. Las propuestas deben enviarse en inglés a más tardar a las 5:00 p.m. del 15 de abril de 2024. Las solicitudes serán revisadas por un comité de evaluación del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton con una recomendación de financiamiento enviada a la Junta de Comisionados para su aprobación final.  

Para obtener más información sobre esta solicitud de propuestas, comuníquese con la Gerente de Proyectos de la Oficina de Respuesta Coordinada para las Personas sin Hogar, Rebecca Taylor, al 541-766-6787 o


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

A cartoon image of a thermometer showing freezing temperatures and a person warming in a blanket next to a heater.

Winter weather conditions expected this weekend: Warming centers available in Benton County

A cartoon image of a thermometer showing freezing temperatures and a person warming in a blanket next to a heater.

***Español a continuación***

Low temperatures and winter weather conditions are expected in the Willamette Valley starting Friday, January 12. Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 19 degrees are expected through Monday, January 15. Possible conditions of rain, freezing rain, snow, and sleet may occur throughout the weekend.

Roads may be icy. Avoid driving in icy conditions whenever possible. If you must travel, slow down and use caution while driving. Benton County recommends having an emergency plan and supplies ready. Here are some safe travel tips.

Visit for weather updates.

For road conditions, visit or call 511.

Warming Centers and MLK Holiday

Daytime warming centers are available throughout Benton County. Warming centers are indoor heated facilities that are free for members of the public to access during designated hours. Many of these locations also have pet crates available.

City and County offices are closed on Monday, January 15 for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and some daytime warming centers may be unavailable as a result. Benton County Health Department is working with Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center and Unity Shelter for warming center availability during the holiday closure.

Learn more: Hours & contact information for day-time warming centers in Benton County.

Additionally, Benton County has funded Faith Hope and Charity to provide overnight severe weather overflow sheltering for unhoused Benton County residents when a temperature threshold is met. Faith Hope and Charity plans to activate their overflow sheltering from Friday night through Monday night based on the current forecasted temperatures.

This is for individuals who are not able to access current Benton County shelters for whatever reason. Outreach is occurring within Benton County to identify individuals in need of overflow warming center services. For more information and referrals, call Faith Hope and Charity at 541-974-5600.


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or


Condiciones climáticas de invierno para este fin de semana: Centros de calentamiento disponibles en el Condado de Benton

A cartoon image of a thermometer showing cold temperatures and a person huddled in a blanket next to a heater.

Se esperan bajas temperaturas y condiciones climáticas de invierno en el valle de Willamette a partir del viernes 12 de enero. Se esperan temperaturas de hasta 19 grados, hasta el lunes 15 de enero. Posibles condiciones de lluvia, lluvia helada, nieve y aguanieve pueden suceder durante todo el fin de semana

Las carreteras pueden estar congeladas. Evite conducir en condiciones de hielo siempre que sea posible. Si debe viajar, reduzca la velocidad y tenga precaución al conducir. El Condado de Benton recomienda tener un plan de emergencia y suministro listos. A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos para viajar de forma segura.

Visite para obtener actualizaciones sobre el clima.

Para conocer las condiciones de la carretera: o llame al 511.

Centros de calentamiento y la conmemoración de MLK

Los centros de calentamiento estarán disponibles durante el día en todo el Condado de Benton. Los centros de calentamiento son lugares climatizados a los que el público puede entrar de forma gratuita durante las horas designadas. Muchos de estos lugares también tienen disponibles jaulas para las mascotas.

Las oficinas de la ciudad y del condado estarán cerradas el lunes 15 de enero por la conmemoración del día del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. y como resultado, es posible que durante el día algunos centros de calentamiento no estén disponibles. El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton está trabajando con el Centro de Atención Diurna de Corvallis y el Refugio Unity para garantizar la disponibilidad del centro de calentamiento durante el cierre por el día festivo.

Obtenga más información:  Horarios e información de contacto de los centros de calentamiento abiertos durante el día en el Condado de Benton.

Además, el Condado de Benton ha financiado a la agencia Faith Hope and Charity para ofrecer refugio adicional durante la noche a las personas sin hogar debido a condiciones climáticas adversas. Faith Hope and Charity planea activar sus refugios adicionales desde el viernes por la noche hasta el lunes en la noche según las temperaturas pronosticadas actualmente.

Este servicio es para personas que no pueden usar los refugios actuales del Condado de Benton por cualquier motivo. Las agencias están trabajando para identificar a las personas que necesitan servicios adicionales de centros de calentamiento. Para obtener más información y referencias, comuníquese con Faith Hope and Charity al 541-974-5600.


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

Low temperatures expected this weekend – Warming centers available in Benton County 

Español a continuación

Low temperatures are expected in the Willamette Valley starting Friday December 22. Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 degrees are expected through Saturday, December 23. 

Slow down and use caution while driving. Benton County recommends having an emergency plan and supplies ready. Here are some safe travel tips

Visit for weather updates. 

For road conditions, visit or call 511. 

Warming Centers 

Daytime warming centers are available throughout Benton County. Warming centers are indoor heated facilities that are free for members of the public to access during designated hours. Many of these locations also have pet crates available. 

Learn more: Hours & contact information for day-time warming centers in Benton County

In addition, Benton County has funded Faith Hope and Charity to provide overnight severe weather overflow sheltering for unhoused Benton County residents when a temperature threshold is met. This is for individuals who are not able to access current Benton County shelters for whatever reason. Outreach is occurring within Benton County to identify individuals in need of overflow warming center services. For more information and referrals, call Faith Hope and Charity at 541-974-5600. 


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact Cory Grogan at 541-745-4468 or


Se esperan bajas temperaturas este fin de semana: Centros de calentamiento disponibles en el Condado de Benton 

Se esperan temperaturas bajas en el valle de Willamette de hasta 28 grados a partir del viernes 22 de diciembre al sabado 22 de diciembre. 

Reduzca la velocidad y tenga precaución al conducir. El Condado de Benton recomienda tener un plan de emergencia y suministro listos. A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos para viajar de forma segura

Visite para obtener actualizaciones sobre el clima. 

Para conocer las condiciones de la carretera: o llame al 511. 

Centros de calentamiento 

Los centros de calentamiento estarán disponibles durante el día en todo el Condado de Benton. Los centros de calentamiento son lugares climatizados a los que el público puede entrar de forma gratuita durante las horas designadas. Muchos de estos lugares también tienen disponibles jaulas para las mascotas. 

Obtenga más información: Horarios e información de contacto de los centros de calentamiento abiertos durante el día en el Condado de Benton

Además, el Condado de Benton ha financiado a la agencia Faith Hope and Charity para ofrecer refugio adicional durante la noche a las personas sin hogar debido a condiciones climáticas adversas. Este servicio es para personas que no pueden usar los refugios actuales del Condado de Benton por cualquier motivo. Las agencias están trabajando para identificar a las personas que necesitan servicios adicionales de centros de calentamiento. Para obtener más información y referidos, comuníquese con Faith Hope and Charity al 541-974-5600. 


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con Cory Grogan al 541-745-4468 o

A large brown warehouse-style building with red brick accents and orange doors.

Benton County awards $1.2 million to Unity Shelter to increase emergency shelter capacity

***Español a continuación***

Benton County has awarded $1.2 million in emergency sheltering funds to Unity Shelter. The funds enable Unity Shelter to expand emergency shelter capacity by reactivating 50 shelter beds and adding 40 more. The funding comes from House Bill (HB) 5019, which was approved by the Oregon Legislature and signed by Governor Kotek in response to her homelessness state of emergency.

The Corvallis Men’s Shelter, located at 211 SE Chapman Place, is run by Unity Shelter, a local non-profit organization serving community members who are unhoused. In June 2023, Unity Shelter was forced to close their men’s shelter due to budget uncertainty following Oregon Senate walkouts.

In September, Governor Kotek announced funding from HB 5019 to rehouse people experiencing unsheltered homelessness and expand shelter capacity in 26 rural counties. The state allocated $2.4 million from the bill to Benton County to support the addition of 50 shelter beds and the rehousing of 31 households. Unity Shelter worked closely with Benton County’s Coordinated Homeless Response Office to apply for the funding.

“Our mission is to provide safe shelter through collaborative care. Sustainable funding is vital to that mission. We’re thankful for our partners at the Coordinated Homeless Response Office for their help in securing this funding, which will not only add new beds, but also support critical building improvements for year-round operations.”

Shawn Collins, Director of Unity Shelter

Benton County continues to work with local housing and human services providers to meet or exceed the HB 5019 goal of rapidly rehousing 31 households and increasing shelter capacity by June 2025.

“While we celebrate this win, we have a lot more work to do as a community to ensure everyone in Benton County has the opportunity to live in decent, safe, and affordable housing. We are incredibly grateful to our community partners for their dedication to this mission.”

Rebecca Taylor, Project Manager, Coordinated Homeless Response Office

To learn more about HB 5019 funding for emergency shelter operations and the re-opening of the men’s shelter, Shawn Collins will present at the Benton County HOPE Advisory Board Meeting on December 20 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm. The meeting is open to the public and details on how to join can be found on the Benton County calendar. 

The Corvallis Men’s Shelter is open nightly from 6:00 pm to 9:00 am for overnight shelter for adult males over the age of 18 and also operates a hygiene center during the day. For more information about Unity Shelter and its programs, visit their website:


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

El Condado de Benton otorga $1.2 millones a la organización Unity Shelter para aumentar la capacidad de los refugios de emergencia

El Condado de Benton ha otorgado $1.2 millones en fondos a la organización Unity Shelter para ofrecer refugios de emergencia. Los fondos permiten a Unity Shelter ampliar la capacidad de los refugios de emergencia reactivando 50 espacios/camas y agregando 40 más. Los fondos vienen del Proyecto de Ley de la Cámara (HB) 5019, que fue aprobado por la Legislatura de Oregón y firmado por la Gobernadora Kotek en respuesta a su declaración de estado de emergencia para personas sin hogar.

El refugio para hombres llamado Corvallis Men’s Shelter, ubicado en 211 SE Chapman Place, está coordinado por Unity Shelter, una organización local sin fines de lucro que ofrece servicios a miembros de la comunidad que no tienen vivienda. En junio de 2023, Unity Shelter se vio obligado a cerrar sus puertas para refugio de hombres debido a la incertidumbre del presupuesto tras las huelgas del Senado de Oregón.

En septiembre, la gobernadora Kotek anunció fondos de la HB 5019 para realojar a personas sin hogar y aumentar la capacidad de alojamiento de estas personas en 26 condados rurales. El estado asignó $2.4 millones del proyecto de ley al Condado de Benton para apoyar la adición de 50 camas de refugio y el realojamiento de 31 hogares. Unity Shelter trabajó en colaboración con la Oficina de Respuesta Coordinada para Personas sin Hogar del Condado de Benton para solicitar la financiación.

“Nuestra misión es brindar refugio seguro a través de servicios colaborativos. La financiación segura es importante para esa misión. Estamos agradecidos con nuestros socios de la Oficina de Respuesta Coordinada para Personas sin Hogar por su ayuda para asegurar este financiamiento, que no solo agregará nuevas camas, sino que también apoyará mejoramientos críticos en el edificio para poder estar abiertos durante todo el año.”

Shawn Collins, director de Unity Shelter

El Condado de Benton continúa trabajando con agencias locales de vivienda y servicios humanos para cumplir o superar el objetivo de la ley HB 5019 de realojar rápidamente a 31 hogares y aumentar la capacidad de los albergues para junio de 2025.

“Mientras celebramos esta victoria, tenemos mucho más trabajo que hacer como comunidad para garantizar que todos en el Condado de Benton tengan la oportunidad de vivir en viviendas decentes, seguras y a bajo costo. Estamos increíblemente agradecidos con nuestros socios comunitarios por su dedicación a esta misión.”

Rebecca Taylor, gerente del proyecto de la Oficiana de Respuesta Coordinada para Personas sin Hogar

Para obtener más información sobre la financiación de la ley HB 5019 para las operaciones de refugios de emergencia y la reapertura del refugio para hombres, Shawn Collins hará una presentación en la reunión de la Junta Asesora HOPE del Condado de Benton el 20 de diciembre de 4:00 a 6:00 p.m. La reunión está abierta al público y los detalles sobre cómo unirse se pueden encontrar en el calendario del Condado de Benton (presentación en inglés).

El refugio para hombres Corvallis Men’s Shelter está abierto todas las noches de 6:00 p.m. a 9:00 a.m. para brindar refugio nocturno a hombres adultos mayores de 18 años y también tiene un centro de higiene durante el día. Para obtener más información sobre Unity Shelter y sus programas, visite su sitio web:


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

A large group of people in a training room.

Community partners join for training to help “High Risk” individuals


A large group of people in a training room.

Local service providers and law enforcement have teamed up to implement a new model aimed at coordinating efforts to support Benton County’s highest risk individuals that present impending or significant danger to themselves or others.

Representatives from social services, healthcare, and public safety (police, fire, and Emergency Medical Services) came together for two days of initial training on the Situation Table approach. The training took place from October 19-20 at the Benton County Department of Human Services building in Corvallis.

“The Situation Table’s goal is to offer solutions to individuals at high risk before situations escalate,” stated Benton County Commissioner, Xan Augerot.

The Situation Table is a risk-based, rapid triage model that brings together various human service providers in the community for regular meetings to address situations where individuals or families are confronted with a specific threshold of Acutely Elevated Risk (AER). AER refers to situations that have a detrimental impact on an individual, family, group, or location, where there is a high likelihood of imminent and substantial harm to oneself or others.

The Situation Table aims to help those who often face the highest levels of risk in the community and who tend to fall through the cracks in the system. The model’s objective is to bring together multiple agencies in a holistic manner to assist those in need at a pre-incident level. Sometimes a single agency can address one of the individual’s issues but may not be able to solve the whole problem. A case brought before the Situation Table would offer a more comprehensive approach from multiple agencies to individuals in crisis.

The Situation Table, also known as the “Hub model”, originated in Prince Albert, Canada, and had an immediate impact on the city. Within the first two years of its implementation, the rate of violent crime dropped by 42 percent, as reported by Brent Kalinowski, a former Prince Albert police officer who played a pivotal role in creating the program.

The decision to implement the Situation Table in Benton County emerged as a recommendation from the County’s Home, Opportunity, Planning and Equity (HOPE) Advisory Board. The HOPE Advisory Board is the community engagement arm of Benton County’s Coordinated Homeless Response system which facilitates a comprehensive and coordinated response involving the county, cities, diverse community partners, leaders, and individuals experiencing homelessness.

Corvallis Police Department Captain Joel Goodwin introduced the concept during one of the HOPE board’s monthly meetings. He was impressed by the program’s success in other communities, having conducted extensive research.

“Often, a police department doesn’t have all the necessary tools in one toolbox to address all the issues with at-risk individuals,” noted Captain Goodwin. “Each agency has its own toolbox to address problems through their available means. By bringing everyone together and implementing the Situation Table, we can enhance our creativity in the solutions we can provide.”

The Corvallis-based InterCommunity Health Network Coordinated Care Organization (IHN-CCO) is fully supportive of implementing the Situation Table model. IHN-CCO’s Director of Behavioral Health, Todd Jeter, believes it will help reduce risks for the County’s vulnerable members.

“We are all gathered here at the Situation Table training because we are committed to finding the best ways to serve the community,” said Jeter. “Implementing this model provides an opportunity to further build trust between at-risk individuals, law enforcement, and service agencies.”

Captain Goodwin is optimistic that the Situation Table approach will significantly benefit the County. “I have confidence that Benton County’s pooled resources will enable us to better address the challenges faced by our at-risk community members,” said Goodwin.


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

Example Head #1

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A screen grab from a virtual meeting.

Oregon grants $1.2 million* to Benton County providers for rapid re-housing

A screen grab from a virtual meeting.
Benton County’s local planning group for HB 5019 meet to develop a community plan.

In July and August, we shared (see below) that Oregon granted $1.2 million to service providers in Benton County with a goal to support rapid re-housing for community members in need. Today, we are providing an update on that communication.

Benton County’s portion of this funding will be $1,175,000 for emergency sheltering, awarded to Unity Shelter and $1,266,000 to fund a community effort to rehouse people by June 2025. This funding is part of a larger effort by the state from HB 5019 to support local communities in helping transition people out of homelessness. (For local background on HB 5019, see the below news update from July 2023.)

  • Local Community Plan: In July, our local planning group of diverse organizations involved in homelessness developed a community plan to identify our highest priority populations with the greatest barriers to housing. The community plan outlines rehousing strategies that this funding could support. 

Due to overwhelming requests from local planning groups for emergency shelter funds, the state adjusted the original rehousing funding awards. In collaboration with our local planning group partners, we will adjust our community plan to match our new allocation.

  • Next Steps: We will learn more next week from Oregon Housing & Community Services (OHCS) about timeline, next steps, and process. Until we know more, we are celebrating by sharing this message with community partners.  

To learn more about local work to end homelessness, visit Benton County’s Coordinated Homeless Response Office website.


July 2023

Oregon Housing and Community Services is working with local planning groups to allocate $26 million in funding for rapid rehousing and sheltering through House Bill (HB) 5019 to counties in the Rural Oregon Continuum of Care (ROCC), which includes Benton County.

  • $1.2 million* will be allocated in Benton County to support rapid rehousing for 33 people.
  • Another $6 million in sheltering funds is available through a competitive application process among the 26 counties in the ROCC.

The Benton County Coordinated Homeless Response Office compiled input and data from local homeless service providers and engaged in conversations with the community to inform the County’s implementation plan for HB 5019.

*The amount originally allocated by the state for the Benton County local planning group was $1.4 million, with $1.2 million dedicated to rehousing activities, and $200,000 dedicated for administrative costs.


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

A window sign on a stone building with a yellow sun logo reads "Where needs are met."

Homeless Response News 9-15-23

$2.4 million for Emergency Shelter & Re-housing

A screen grab from a virtual meeting.

In July and August, we shared that Oregon granted $1.2 million to service providers in Benton County with a goal to support rapid re-housing for community members in need. Today, we are providing an update on that communication.

State Funding

Governor Kotek’s recent announcement provided an update about state funding for sheltering and rehousing in the Balance of State Continuum of Care, also called the Rural Oregon Continuum of Care (ROCC). 

Benton County’s portion of this funding will be $1,175,000 for emergency sheltering, awarded to Unity Shelter and $1,266,000 to fund a community effort to rehouse people by June 2025. This funding is part of a larger effort by the state from HB 5019 to support local communities in helping transition people out of homelessness.

Local Community Plan

In July, our local planning group of diverse organizations involved in homelessness developed a community plan to identify our highest priority populations with the greatest barriers to housing. The community plan outlines rehousing strategies that this funding could support. 

Due to overwhelming requests from local planning groups for emergency shelter funds, the state adjusted the original rehousing funding awards. In collaboration with our local planning group partners, we will adjust our community plan to match our new allocation.

Next Steps

We will learn more next week from Oregon Housing & Community Services (OHCS) about timeline, next steps, and process. Until we know more, we are celebrating by sharing this message with community partners. To learn more about local work to end homelessness, visit Benton County’s Coordinated Homeless Response Office website.

Support for Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center

A window sign on a stone building with a yellow sun logo reads "Where needs are met."

The Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center (CDDC) is a community-based resource and navigation hub providing information, referral, and direct services for people experiencing homelessness and poverty in Benton County and beyond.

CDDC helps support people’s basic needs, like phone charging, mail retrieval, basic hygiene items, clothing, shoes and more. They also assist with services like obtaining/replacing official documents such as driver’s licenses or birth certificates, gaining access to healthcare providers, completing official paperwork, applying for food stamps, and connection to other vital community supports. In addition, they help provide people with counseling, peer support, employment connection, and conduct street outreach to reach some of our most vulnerable community members.

CDDC is a critical component of multiple HOPE Recommendations (listed below) and they work closely with Benton County to support coordinated homeless response.

Unfortunately, the Center recently experienced a break-in, leaving community members who are already vulnerable feeling even more exposed. To learn more about CDDC and how you can get involved, visit their website or contact

E-news is here!

Homeless Response News 8-3-23

Stories of HOPE: Jay & Lena from Community Outreach, Inc.

COI was a game changer. That’s where it all started for us… We would have lost our kids to addiction. COI did a good job. They were there every step of the way.” 

Jay and Lena spent 27 and 20 years, respectively, addicted to meth. After several stops and starts in other programs and what Jay describes as “hitting brick wall after brick wall,” they came to Community Outreach, Inc, (COI). Their daughters had been removed from the family and were staying with friends. COI opened up two family units for them and they were able to reunite with their daughters.

Newly clean, Jay found employment quickly. His energy and work ethic led to advancement and additional opportunities. Through a generous supporter at a local church, they found affordable housing. They’ve been stably housed for almost 5 years.

Lena says, “COI helped me as a mother being more responsible and cleaning up. They helped me have accountability. The programs blessed us. It was hard. Sometimes I thought, ‘forget it!’ but I knew it’s what helped get the kids stability.”

Jay says, “COI was a game changer. That’s where it all started for us. The state would have taken our kids. We would have lost our kids to addiction. COI did a good job. They were there every step of the way.”

Oregon grants $1.2 million to Benton County providers for rapid re-housing

A screen grab from a virtual meeting.

Oregon Housing and Community Services is working with local planning groups to allocate $26 million in funding for rapid rehousing and sheltering through House Bill (HB) 5019 to counties in the Rural Oregon Continuum of Care (ROCC), which includes Benton County. 

  • $1.2 million will be allocated in Benton County to support rapid rehousing for 33 people by June 30, 2025. 
  • Another $6 million in sheltering funds is available through a competitive application process amongst the 26 counties in the ROCC. 

The Benton County Coordinated Homeless Response Office compiled input and data from local homeless service providers and engaged in conversations with the community to inform the County’s implementation plan for HB 5019.

Coordinated Homeless Response Strategic Plan Draft Presented at HOPE Advisory Board Meeting

People sitting around a conference table hold a meeting with virtual attendees on a large TV in the background.

Benton County, the City of Corvallis, and Community Services Consortium (CSC) are part of a pilot program sponsored by Oregon State House Bill (HB) 4123 to support a coordinated response to homelessness.

As required by HB 4123, staff from the newly formed Benton County Coordinated Homelessness Response Office are preparing a five-year strategic plan to be finalized this summer.

The draft strategic plan was created in alignment with HB 4123 requirements, incorporates the twelve HOPE Policy Recommendations, and will include input from regional health assessment partners gathered at outreach events this spring and summer.

Key elements of the strategic plan include:

  • Sustainable funding for ongoing operations of the coordinated homelessness response system
  • Increasing or streamlining resources and services to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness
  • Incorporating national best practices for ending homelessness
  • Eliminating racial disparities within the service area
  • Creating pathways to permanent and supportive housing that is affordable to local populations experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Learn more

Community Progress Update – HOPE Recommendations

Find out about new community progress made toward implementing HOPE policy recommendations.

Our Spring-Summer 2023 highlights include:

See the full list on our webpage

Benton County breaks ground on new Crisis Center

The Benton County Commissioners were joined by nearly 60 dignitaries and invited guests at an event to break ground on the new Benton County Crisis Center at the site of the new facility at 240 NW 4th Street, in Corvallis.

The Benton County Crisis Center is a voluntary walk-in treatment-centered facility that provides stabilization for individuals experiencing mental health crisis, along with referrals and support for ongoing behavioral health services.

“The Crisis Center will provide immediate assistance and support to individuals experiencing mental health crises.”

Damien Sands, Behavioral Health Director

The new crisis center directly supports HOPE Recommendation #5 to improve mental health crisis response in Benton County.

Funding Opportunities for Service Providers – Summer 2023

Are you a provider of health, social, and/or homeless services?

The Benton County Coordinated Homeless Response Office’s Grant Writer & Researcher has compiled a list of upcoming funding opportunities from local, state, and national funders that relate to HOPE and homelessness work in the Benton County region.

Benton County service providers can reach out to with questions or to inquire about technical assistance for applying.

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