Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool
Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool
The Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool (FHSP) program helps get people out of homelessness and into housing. We fill gaps and remove barriers to housing for our most vulnerable community members.
Direct Connection and Housing Support
Much of our work is done in collaboration with our participants – the people using our program.

Street Outreach
We coordinate with Street Outreach workers who connect directly with community members experiencing homelessness. Meeting our neighbors where they are allows us to respond to their unique needs.

Housing Navigation
We offer Housing Navigation to support all aspects of moving into a new home. Navigators help people leverage their existing support systems and connect them to new resources to build a clear path forward through a complicated system.

Case Management
We work with Case Managers to support people in stable homes. This can look different for every household; we strive to give individualized wraparound care for each person’s journey out of homelessness.
Administration and Sustainability Management
Our community partners and the County’s Coordinated Homeless Response Office work together to keep our program efficient and effective.

Our Community-Based Organizations are working side-by-side with our unhoused neighbors every day. We make sure they have the tools and resources necessary to refer eligible participants to us, based on availability.

We seek out and apply for funding sources to keep our programs sustainable as we help with moving costs, rental assistance, and supportive services.

Property Management
We work with landlords and property managers to lower barriers to housing and prevent evictions. We coordinate with landlords to access open units, and to help maintain healthy landlord-tenant relationships.