Coordinated Homelessness Response Update: Draft Strategic Plan Presented

Benton County, the City of Corvallis, and Community Services Consortium (CSC) are part of a pilot program sponsored by Oregon State House Bill 4123 to support a coordinated response to homelessness. As required by HB 4123 (2022), staff from the newly formed Benton County Coordinated Homelessness Response Office are preparing a five-year strategic plan to be finalized this summer. The draft strategic plan was presented to the Home, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity (HOPE) Advisory Board meeting for feedback. The meeting, held Wednesday, May 24 at the Benton County Kalapuya Building in Corvallis and online, was the first hybrid format meeting for the committee since the onset of the pandemic.
The draft strategic plan was created in alignment with HB 4123 requirements, incorporates the twelve HOPE Policy Recommendations, and will include input from regional health assessment partners gathered at outreach events this spring and summer. Key elements of the strategic plan include:
- Sustainable funding for ongoing operations of the coordinated homelessness response system
- Increasing or streamlining resources and services to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness
- Incorporating national best practices for ending homelessness
- Eliminating racial disparities within the service area
- Creating pathways to permanent and supportive housing that is affordable to local populations experiencing or at risk of homelessness
“We are so fortunate to have an active group of partners and community members,” shared Coordinated Homeless Response Office Program Coordinator, Julie Arena. “Well before the enactment of HB 4123, the City of Corvallis and Benton County were building the foundation for coordinated homeless response as part of a ten-year plan to address homelessness. With this strong foundation, Benton County deployed state and federal investments as they became available starting in 2020 and applied for HB 4123 funding in 2022.”
The County has leveraged state, federal, and local funds including Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and other funds to bring over $9 million in new investments to fund food, shelter, eviction prevention, and capacity for community-based organizations.
Learn more about what has already been accomplished:
- View the Community Progress Timeline
- Learn about the County’s Coordinated Homelessness Response Office
- Learn about successful projects and improvements
Benton County Commissioner Nancy Wyse is a liaison to the HOPE Advisory Board and is pleased with the progress made by the Coordinated Homelessness Response Office so far. “Benton County is committed to using resources effectively to directly address homelessness. In addition to the City of Corvallis and Community Services Consortium, we are grateful for community members and partners who have joined with us in this vitally important work.”
Benton County is facing a significant challenge as the number of individuals experiencing homelessness continues to grow in Oregon. Recent data reveals that Benton County has the highest rent-burdened city in Oregon, with 40% of all renters paying more than 50% of their income on rent.
The HOPE Advisory Board is a joint effort between Benton County and the City of Corvallis to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response from the county, cities, and diverse community partners, leaders, and persons experiencing homelessness. The Board meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Visit the HOPE Advisory Board webpage for information about attending a meeting or to subscribe to the HOPE News & Updates email list.
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