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Event List

A blue silhouette of a house on a darker blue background

HOPE Advisory Board Monthly Meeting

The HOPE Advisory Board meets once per quarter on the fourth Wednesday of its month, from 4-6 PM. The Board is a joint effort between Benton County and area cities to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response from the county, cities, and diverse community partners, leaders, and persons experiencing homelessness.

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A blue silhouette of a house on a darker blue background

HOPE Advisory Board Monthly Meeting

The HOPE Advisory Board meets once per quarter on the fourth Wednesday of its month, from 4-6 PM. The Board is a joint effort between Benton County and area cities to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response from the county, cities, and diverse community partners, leaders, and persons experiencing homelessness.

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A blue silhouette of a house on a darker blue background

HOPE Advisory Board Monthly Meeting

The HOPE Advisory Board meets once per quarter on the fourth Wednesday of its month, from 4-6 PM. The Board is a joint effort between Benton County and area cities to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response from the county, cities, and diverse community partners, leaders, and persons experiencing homelessness.

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A blue silhouette of a house on a darker blue background

HOPE Advisory Board Monthly Meeting

The HOPE Advisory Board meets once per quarter on the fourth Wednesday of its month, from 4-6 PM. The Board is a joint effort between Benton County and area cities to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response from the county, cities, and diverse community partners, leaders, and persons experiencing homelessness.

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