Harm Reduction Program
Harm Reduction Program
Harm Reduction helps people stay safe when they have sex or use drugs.
If you are interested in any services offered by the Harm Reduction Program, or if you have questions, you can reach us two ways:
Your call or email will be returned as soon as possible, Monday through Friday, within 2 business days.

Free, Anonymous HIV and Hepatitis C Testing
If you are looking for free and anonymous HIV and/or Hepatitis C testing that is outside of a doctor’s office, Harm Reduction can help.
HIV or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Testing
If you are looking for STI testing, or HIV testing through a healthcare provider, you can make an appointment through the Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties.

If you think you’ve recently been exposed to HIV
Either during sex or through sharing needles and/or methods to prepare drugs, or if you’ve been sexually assaulted, seek medical care right away (Urgent Care, Quick Care, the emergency room, or your local care provider). They can prescribe a medication to stop HIV infection.
Medication must be started within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV.
Condoms and safer sex supplies
With the One at Home Program, Oregon residents can receive a free envelope of condoms and lube delivered discreetly to their door, up to twice per month.
Benton County Harm Reduction also offers free safer sex supplies by mail. They come in a discreet package, right to your door. Condoms and dental dams are a great tool in the fight against HIV and other STIs.
Click here to request supplies from Benton County

Home HIV testing
Testing for HIV and other STIs doesn’t have to be intimidating. We’ve partnered with TakeMeHome.org and IWantTheKit.org to deliver test kits right to you. If you live in Oregon, you may qualify for regular free at-home HIV and STI test kits.
Needle exchange and syringe services
Syringe service programs (SSPs) provide a variety of services including free sterile needles and syringes, safe disposal areas, and access to prevention services such as HIV and Hepatitis C testing. These programs are important in our efforts to prevent HIV transmission. SSPs around Oregon remain open.

Overdose prevention and fentanyl education
Signs of overdose include pale/blue skin, small or constricted pupils, loss of consciousness, and shallow breathing. Naloxone/Narcan can help prevent a fatal overdose.
Carrying Narcan does not increase drug use, it only saves the lives of those who could overdose on drugs.
You can access free naloxone/Narcan at pharmacies and health clinics throughout Oregon or by reaching out to Benton County Harm Reduction Program.