Homeless Response News 8-3-23
Stories of HOPE: Jay & Lena from Community Outreach, Inc.

“COI was a game changer. That’s where it all started for us… We would have lost our kids to addiction. COI did a good job. They were there every step of the way.”
Jay and Lena spent 27 and 20 years, respectively, addicted to meth. After several stops and starts in other programs and what Jay describes as “hitting brick wall after brick wall,” they came to Community Outreach, Inc, (COI). Their daughters had been removed from the family and were staying with friends. COI opened up two family units for them and they were able to reunite with their daughters.
Newly clean, Jay found employment quickly. His energy and work ethic led to advancement and additional opportunities. Through a generous supporter at a local church, they found affordable housing. They’ve been stably housed for almost 5 years.
Lena says, “COI helped me as a mother being more responsible and cleaning up. They helped me have accountability. The programs blessed us. It was hard. Sometimes I thought, ‘forget it!’ but I knew it’s what helped get the kids stability.”
Jay says, “COI was a game changer. That’s where it all started for us. The state would have taken our kids. We would have lost our kids to addiction. COI did a good job. They were there every step of the way.”
Oregon grants $1.2 million to Benton County providers for rapid re-housing

Oregon Housing and Community Services is working with local planning groups to allocate $26 million in funding for rapid rehousing and sheltering through House Bill (HB) 5019 to counties in the Rural Oregon Continuum of Care (ROCC), which includes Benton County.
- $1.2 million will be allocated in Benton County to support rapid rehousing for 33 people by June 30, 2025.
- Another $6 million in sheltering funds is available through a competitive application process amongst the 26 counties in the ROCC.
The Benton County Coordinated Homeless Response Office compiled input and data from local homeless service providers and engaged in conversations with the community to inform the County’s implementation plan for HB 5019.
Coordinated Homeless Response Strategic Plan Draft Presented at HOPE Advisory Board Meeting

Benton County, the City of Corvallis, and Community Services Consortium (CSC) are part of a pilot program sponsored by Oregon State House Bill (HB) 4123 to support a coordinated response to homelessness.
As required by HB 4123, staff from the newly formed Benton County Coordinated Homelessness Response Office are preparing a five-year strategic plan to be finalized this summer.
The draft strategic plan was created in alignment with HB 4123 requirements, incorporates the twelve HOPE Policy Recommendations, and will include input from regional health assessment partners gathered at outreach events this spring and summer.
Key elements of the strategic plan include:
- Sustainable funding for ongoing operations of the coordinated homelessness response system
- Increasing or streamlining resources and services to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness
- Incorporating national best practices for ending homelessness
- Eliminating racial disparities within the service area
- Creating pathways to permanent and supportive housing that is affordable to local populations experiencing or at risk of homelessness
Community Progress Update – HOPE Recommendations

Find out about new community progress made toward implementing HOPE policy recommendations.
Our Spring-Summer 2023 highlights include:
- At least 36 new units of affordable or permanent supportive housing coming to Benton County
- $1.2 million from the state to support the rapid rehousing of 33 people
- $170,000 in tax return and cashed check funds accessed by people experiencing poverty
- 5 new medical respite beds for people experiencing homelessness or housing instability
- And more!
See the full list on our webpage
Benton County breaks ground on new Crisis Center

The Benton County Commissioners were joined by nearly 60 dignitaries and invited guests at an event to break ground on the new Benton County Crisis Center at the site of the new facility at 240 NW 4th Street, in Corvallis.
The Benton County Crisis Center is a voluntary walk-in treatment-centered facility that provides stabilization for individuals experiencing mental health crisis, along with referrals and support for ongoing behavioral health services.
“The Crisis Center will provide immediate assistance and support to individuals experiencing mental health crises.”
Damien Sands, Behavioral Health Director
The new crisis center directly supports HOPE Recommendation #5 to improve mental health crisis response in Benton County.
Funding Opportunities for Service Providers – Summer 2023

Are you a provider of health, social, and/or homeless services?
The Benton County Coordinated Homeless Response Office’s Grant Writer & Researcher has compiled a list of upcoming funding opportunities from local, state, and national funders that relate to HOPE and homelessness work in the Benton County region.
Benton County service providers can reach out to libbi.l.winter@gmail.com with questions or to inquire about technical assistance for applying.