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Various road signs that say "Know the Signs of an Overdose," over a blue background.

Benton County launches Fentanyl Aware Campaign

***Español a continuación***

Various road signs that say "Know the Signs of an Overdose," over a blue background.

May 9 is National Fentanyl Awareness Day and the Benton County Health Department, in partnership with the Benton County Sheriff’s Office, Corvallis Police Department, and the Benton County Board of Commissioners is launching a new campaign to help raise community awareness about the powerful synthetic opioid, fentanyl.

The County has seen increased calls to 911, emergency room visits, and even death because of recent increases in the supply and use of fentanyl in Benton County. The campaign, modeled after Lane County’s, is aimed at counteracting these negative effects by empowering the community with knowledge, tools, and resources.

“Our new campaign will provide youth, families, and community members with tools to stay safe, how to spot and respond to an overdose, and resources for treatment,” said Mara Sargent, Substance Misuse Prevention and Education Coordinator. “We’re thankful to partner with local law enforcement to offer information sessions to the community.”

As part of the Fentanyl Aware campaign, the three agencies will hold their first English information session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23 at the Benton County Kalapuya building located at 4500 SW Research Way in Corvallis. Plans are also underway for a Spanish session. Community members are invited to attend the session, which will include information on local crime and overdose statistics, tips for parents, how to find and use naloxone, connections to resources, and free safety tools.

Benton County will also promote this information on web and social media channels as well as through partnerships and educational opportunities with school districts and community organizations.  

To learn more and follow the campaign, visit


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

El Condado de Benton lanza una campaña para crear conciencia sobre el Fentanilo

El 9 de mayo es el Día Nacional de Crear Conciencia sobre el Fentanilo y el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton, en colaboración con la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Benton, el Departamento de Policía de Corvallis y los Junta de Comisionados del Condado Benton, está lanzando una nueva campaña para ayudar a crear conciencia en la comunidad sobre la poderosa droga sintética, el fentanilo.

El condado ha visto un aumento de llamadas al 911, visitas a la sala de emergencias e incluso muertes debido a los recientes aumentos en el abasteciemiento y uso de fentanilo en el Condado de Benton. La campaña, inspirada en la del Condado de Lane, tiene como objetivo contrarrestar estos efectos negativos al fortalecer a la comunidad con conocimientos, herramientas y recursos.

“Nuestra nueva campaña ofrecerá a los jóvenes, a las familias y a los miembros de la comunidad, herramientas para mantenerse seguros, cómo detectar y responder a una sobredosis y recursos para el tratamiento”, dijo Mara Sargent, Coordinadora de Educación y Prevención del Uso Indebido de Drogas. “Estamos agradecidos de asociarnos con las autoridades locales para ofrecer sesiones informativas a la comunidad”.

Como parte de la campaña de concientización sobre el fentanilo, las tres agencias ofrecerán su primera sesión informativa en inglés a las 6:30 p.m. el martes 23 de mayo, en el edificio Kalapuya del Condado de Benton, ubicado en el 4500 SW Research Way en Corvallis. También se tiene planeado hacer una sesión en español. Se invita a todos los miembros de la comunidad a asistir a la sesión, que incluirá información sobre delincuencia local y estadísticas de sobredosis, consejos para padres, cómo encontrar y usar Naloxona, conexiones a recursos y herramientas de seguridad gratis.

El Condado de Benton también promoverá esta información en su sitio web y en las redes sociales, así como a través de asociaciones y oportunidades educativas con distritos escolares y organizaciones comunitarias.

Para obtener más información y seguir la campaña, visite


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

A drawing of a building flanked with greenery and people walking around outside.

Benton County Health celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month with Crisis Center update

***Español a continuación***

A drawing of a building flanked with greenery and people walking around outside.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Benton County is celebrating with a major milestone toward completing the Benton County Crisis Center.

The Benton County Crisis Center will be a voluntary walk-in treatment-centered facility which provides stabilization for those experiencing a mental health crisis, along with referrals and support for ongoing services. The crisis center is also a project of Benton County’s Justice System Improvement Program (JSIP), a multi-year effort to improve outcomes in our communities.

Benton County, along with Gerding Builders and Mahlum Architects, worked on the design for the crisis center with local partners like Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Intercommunity Health Network, Oregon State University, and the Corvallis Police Department as part of a design committee, which also included local non-profit organizations.

“We want to thank our community partners for their participation in the design process,” said Ricky Garcia, project manager for the Benton County Crisis Center. “This has been a collaborative effort to ensure we are meeting the needs of our community and we are really happy with the final design.”

Community members can see renderings of the design at:

Now that the design of the new Benton County Crisis Center is complete, the construction team has started the permitting process, with services expected to begin in the summer of 2024.

“We recently received notice that the lot consolidation was approved, which is a key milestone in the permitting process, said Benton County Public Works Director, Gary Stockhoff. “We expect to begin onsite work later this spring.”

As the Benton County Health Department waits for completion of the new crisis center, the Behavioral Health team is working on policies and procedures for the new site and fine tuning their staffing model to prepare for the increased staffing need.

“We are hiring mental health crisis professionals now,” Crisis Manager, Eric Bowling said. Find more information about open positions at:

While the crisis center won’t be operational until next summer, community members can access crisis services now at 557 NW Monroe Ave. in Corvallis, between the hours of  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The community can also call the 24-hour crisis hotline at 1-888-232-7192. Visit to learn more.


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton celebra el mes de crear conciencia sobre la salud mental modernizando el Centro de Crisis

Mayo es el mes de crear conciencia sobre la salud mental y el Condado de Benton está celebrando con un hecho importante hacia la finalización del Centro de Crisis del Condado de Benton.

El Centro de Crisis del Condado de Benton será un centro de tratamiento voluntario sin previa cita que brindará estabilización a quienes experimenten una crisis de salud mental, junto con referencias y apoyo para servicios continuos. El Centro de Crisis también es un proyecto del Programa de Mejoramiento del Sistema de Justicia del Condado de Benton (JSIP), un esfuerzo de varios años para mejorar los resultados en nuestras comunidades.

El Condado de Benton, junto con Gerding Builders y Mahlum Architects, trabajaron en el diseño del Centro de Crisis con socios locales como Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Intercommunity Health Network, Oregon State University y el Departamento de Policía de Corvallis como parte de un comité de diseño, en el que también se incluyeron organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro.

“Queremos agradecer a nuestros socios comunitarios por su participación en el proceso del diseño”, dijo Ricky García, Gerente de Proyecto del Centro de Crisis del Condado de Benton. “Este ha sido un esfuerzo de colaboración para garantizar que estamos satisfaciendo las necesidades de nuestra comunidad y estamos muy contentos con el diseño final”.

Los miembros de la comunidad pueden ver representaciones del diseño en:

Ahora que el diseño del nuevo Centro de Crisis del Condado de Benton está completo, el equipo de construcción ha comenzado el proceso para obtener los permisos y se espera que comience a dar servicio en el verano de 2024.

“Recientemente recibimos un aviso de que se aprobó la consolidación de lotes, lo cual es un hecho clave en el proceso de obtención de permisos”, dijo el Director de Obras Públicas del Condado de Benton, Gary Stockhoff. “Esperamos comenzar el trabajo en el sitio a finales de esta primavera”.

Mientras el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton espera que se complete el nuevo Centro de Crisis, el equipo de Salud de la Conducta está trabajando en políticas y procedimientos para el nuevo sitio, ajustando su modelo en la cantidad de empleados y preparándose para la necesidad de tener más personal.

“Estamos contratando profesionales de crisis de salud mental ahora”, dijo Eric Bowling, Gerente de Crisis. Encuentre más información sobre puestos vacantes en:

Si bien el Centro de Crisis no estará funcionando hasta el próximo verano, los miembros de la comunidad pueden acceder a los servicios de crisis ahora en el 557 NW Monroe Ave. en Corvallis, De lunes a viernes, de las 8:00 a.m. a las 5:00 p.m. La comunidad también puede llamar a la línea directa de crisis las 24 horas al 1-888-232-7192. Visite para obtener más información.


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

A flyer for Community Conversations featuring a graphic of diverse people with speech bubbles overhead on top of a pastel purple and green background.

Regional Community Health Assessment 2022 – 2026 is now available! Benton County continues seeking community input into regional Community Health Improvement Plan

A flyer for Community Conversations featuring a graphic of diverse people with speech bubbles overhead on top of a pastel purple and green background.

*** Español a continuación ***

The regional Community Health Assessment (CHA) 2022 – 2026 is now available! The purpose of this assessment is to learn about the health status of the people living in Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties and identify areas for improvement. Benton County Health Department, in collaboration with the Partnership for Community Health: Linn, Benton & Lincoln Counties, continues to share the results of the regional CHA with the community and gather input on key health issues to include in the regional community health improvement plan (CHIP). The CHIP guides how the region focuses resources that are working to improve the health of all people who live, work, learn and play in our region.

Join us to learn more about your community’s health! Help us discover health priorities for Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties. Community meetings are occurring throughout the region. Here are Benton County upcoming community engagements:

          Saturday, April 29, 2023; Event: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
          Keys for the People Housing Festival
          CHA Presentation: 2:10 – 3:10 p.m. (English session)
          Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Avenue, Corvallis

          Thursday, May 4, 2023; 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. (English session)
          Monroe Community Library, 380 N. 5th Street, Monroe

          Saturday, May 6, 2023; 11:00 – 1:00 p.m.(Spanish session)
          Garfield Elementary School, 1205 NW Garfield Avenue, Corvallis

          Wednesday, May 17, 2023; 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (Spanish session)
          South Benton Food Pantry, 650 Orchard Street, Monroe

For more opportunities to participate in community conversations, visit:

Other ways to get involved

Attendance at a community meeting is encouraged, but not required in order to contribute to the planning process. Community members can also review the data and vote on their priorities by accessing the following links:

For inquiries or additional information email


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

¡El reporte de la Evaluación Regional de la Salud Comunitaria 2022 – 2026 ya está disponible! El Condado de Benton continúa pidiendo la opinión de la comunidad en informar el Plan Regional de Mejoramiento de la Salud Comunitaria

A flyer for Community Conversations featuring a graphic of diverse people with speech bubbles overhead on top of a pastel purple and green background.

¡El reporte de la Evaluación de Salud Comunitaria (CHA) regional 2022 – 2026 ya está disponible! El propósito de esta evaluación es conocer el estado de salud de las personas que viven en los condados de Linn, Benton y Lincoln e identificar áreas de mejoramiento. El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton, en colaboración con la Asociación para la Salud Comunitaria: condados de Linn, Benton y Lincoln, continúa compartiendo los resultados de la evaluación regional con la comunidad y recopilando información sobre los principales problemas de salud para incluir en el Plan Regional de Mejoramiento de la Salud de la Comunidad.  Este plan dirige cómo la región enfoca los recursos para mejorar la salud de todas las personas que viven, trabajan, aprenden y juegan en nuestra región.

¡Participe para aprender más sobre la salud de su comunidad! Ayúdenos a identificar las prioridades de la salud para los condados de Linn, Benton y Lincoln. Se están llevando a cabo reuniones comunitarias en toda la región. Aquí están los próximos eventos dentro del Condado de Benton:

          Sábado, 29 de abril, 2023; Evento: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
          Evento comunitario Llaves para la Gentel
          Presentación de la evaluación: 2:10 – 3:10 p.m. (Sesión en inglés)
          Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Avenue, Corvallis

          Jueves, 4 de mayo, 2023, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. (Sesión en inglés)
          Biblioteca de la Comunidad de Monroe, 380 N. 5th Street, Monroe

          Sábado 6 de mayo, 2023, 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. (Sesión en español)
          Escuela Primaria de Garfield, 1205 NW Garfield Avenue, Corvallis

          Miércoles, 17 de mayo, 2023, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.  (Sesión en español)
          Banco de Comida South Benton, 650 Orchard Street, Monroe

Para conocer más oportunidades de participar en las conversaciones comunitarias, visite:

Otras formas de participar

Se invita al público a asistir a una conversación comunitaria pero no es necesaria para contribuir al proceso. Los miembros de la comunidad también pueden obtener una copia de la presentación y votar para identificar sus prioridades visitando los siguientes enlaces:

Para preguntas o información adicional email


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

A cream and green building on a city street with green and white text that says "Crisis Services are moving! New location starting April 26, 2023: 557 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis"

Benton County Crisis Services Relocate

***Español a continuación***

A cream and green building on a city street with green and white text that says "Crisis Services are moving! New location starting April 26, 2023: 557 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis"

Benton County Mental Health Crisis Services will relocate to the Benton County Humphrey Hoyer Building at 557 NW Monroe Avenue in Corvallis on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Services at their current location on 530 NW 27 Street will end on Tuesday, April 25, at 5:00 p.m.

The Crisis Services program has been providing walk-in crisis counseling services at the Benton County Health Services Building for over a decade. This service means that anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can show up between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and ask to “see the Counselor of the Day,” who is available to provide same-day crisis counseling services. These services will now be available in the new location near the downtown Corvallis transit center, until the program can move into its permanent home at the future Benton County Crisis Center.

“The Humphrey Hoyer building is right next to the downtown bus station and library, which means easier access for clients,” said Eric Bowling, Benton County Crisis Manager. “The temporary move will make a good home until we can move into the future crisis center where we can expand our services even further.”

Benton County is working to build a new crisis center, to be located at 240 NW 4th Street in downtown Corvallis. The project recently moved out of the design phase and into the permitting process. Benton County expects the new building to open for services in summer 2024.

The future Crisis Center will add crisis stabilization and respite services, as well as expand walk-in counseling hours to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more about Benton County Mental Health Crisis Services and the future Benton County Crisis Center.                        


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

Reubicación de los Servicios de Crisis del Condado de Benton

Los Servicios de Crisis de Salud Mental del Condado de Benton se trasladarán al Edificio Humphrey Hoyer del Condado de Benton en el 557 NW Monroe Avenue en Corvallis, el miércoles 26 de abril de 2023. Los servicios en su ubicación actual en el 530 NW 27 Street terminarán el martes 25 de abril a las 5:00 p.m.

El Programa de Servicios de Crisis ha brindado servicios de asesoramiento de crisis sin previa cita en el Edificio de Servicios de Salud del Condado de Benton durante más de una década. Este servicio significa que cualquier persona que experimente una crisis de salud mental puede presentarse entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 5:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes y solicitar “ver al consejero del día”, que está disponible para brindar servicios de consejería de crisis el mismo día. Estos servicios ahora estarán disponibles en la nueva ubicación cerca del centro de tránsito del Centro de Corvallis, hasta que el programa pueda moverse a su lugar permanente en el futuro Centro de Crisis del Condado de Benton.

“El edificio Humphrey Hoyer está justo al lado de la estación de autobuses y la biblioteca del Centro, lo que significa un acceso más fácil para los clientes”, dijo Eric Bowling, Gerente de Crisis del Condado de Benton. “La mudanza temporal será un buen lugar hasta que podamos mudarnos al futuro Centro de Crisis donde podremos expandir nuestros servicios aún más”.

El Condado de Benton está trabajando para construir un nuevo Centro de Crisis, que estará ubicado en 240 NW 4th Street en el Centro de Corvallis. El proyecto recientemente pasó de la fase de diseño al proceso de obtención de permisos. El Condado de Benton espera que el nuevo edificio abra sus servicios en el verano de 2024.

El futuro Centro de Crisis agregará servicios de estabilización de crisis y de relevo y ampliará el horario de asesoramiento sin previa cita las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

Para obtener más información sobre los Servicios de Crisis de Salud Mental del Condado de Benton y el futuro Centro de Crisis del Condado de Benton, visite:

Regístrese para recibir el boletín electrónico del Condado de Benton.


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

E-news is here!

Homeless Response News 3-31-23

HOPE Story: Amanda from Community Outreach, Inc.

“With everything that COI has done for me, including aftercare, I’m going back to college to learn to be a peer support specialist. I have my own apartment. I have the most amazing service animal. My life is good and I have the coping skills I need. It’s been the best thing that has ever happened.” 

Eight years ago, Amanda went to Community Outreach, Inc, (COI), a transformational housing program in Corvallis, after an interaction with law enforcement. She was using drugs at the time and recovering from the sudden loss of her beloved life partner. Amanda was injured in the interaction and spent time at the emergency room and intensive care units with life-threatening bullet wounds. She acknowledges her own responsibility in the interaction and recognizes that it put her on the path to healing and learning to thrive at COI.

Ty, a case manager from COI visited Amanda in the hospital. Amanda says, “If Ty hadn’t been the one that came to my hospital room, I probably wouldn’t be here today. I wouldn’t be alive.” Amanda connected with COI’s case manager because she related to him and because he met her where she was. At COI, she recovered, got sober, connected with a service animal, and found stable housing.

Community Progress Update – HOPE Recommendations

Find out about new community progress made toward implementing HOPE policy recommendations.

Some highlights include:

See the full list on our webpage

What is a Resource / Navigation Center?

“The drop-in center exists because people need to feel loved and understand that they’re cared for and have a social community that they can be a part of and feel safe.”

Allison Hobgood, executive director of the Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center.

A resource center, also called a navigation center, is a space for providers from different social service organizations to meet with and enroll people in programs that help them improve their life stability and meet their needs. This work is in direct alignment with the Benton County HOPE Advisory Board policy recommendations.

Our community partners have continued to work hard for years to ensure these services are available to community members who need them. Read on to learn more about resource & navigation centers in Benton County:

Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center (CDDC) is working on a plan to expand their hours and services by building a Homeless Navigation Center which will provide 24-7 shelter and crucial services to county residents who are experiencing homelessness. The Drop-in Center currently serves as a one-stop-shop access point to service providers and case management, basic needs navigation, employment resources, and more, but is limited in its current location. Expanding the Center would allow more services in a bigger space to better support. CDDC also hopes to provide a low-barrier, non-congregate emergency shelter with the additional space and resources. Watch the video above and read the news release to learn more.

The South Benton Food Pantry in Monroe has provided food assistance and connection to services for years, but the needs of the community outgrew the available space. They recently purchased the building from which they operate to expand and add more services and resources. The location is now growing to include Kepi Nak-Nak Commons, a resource center which will serve as a central hub for the South Benton community to access service providers and resources. Services include food assistance, healthcare support, housing navigation, utility assistance, education, childcare, support for victims of domestic violence, and more. Learn more at their website.

HOPE Coordinated Homeless Response Office Outreach

The Coordinated Homeless Response Office, which includes staff from Benton County, the City of Corvallis, and Community Services Consortium, is working to finalize its strategic plan for Coordinated Homeless Response in Benton County, per HB 4123 requirements.

Benton County staff, along with Commissioner Nancy Wyse, are presenting at city councils and other public meetings to educate the community about the history, current state, and future goals of coordinated homeless response. The Office is working to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by smaller and rural communities in Benton County, and looking to strengthen collaboration and partnership in those areas.

Visit the Coordinated Homeless Response Office webpage for more information.

Benton County Partners with Local Non-profit Provider for Severe Weather Sheltering

This winter, Benton County funded Faith Hope and Charity, Inc., a Corvallis based non-profit organization, to provide severe weather overflow sheltering for unhoused Benton County residents. This is for individuals who are not able to access current Benton County shelters for whatever reason. Outreach is occurring within Benton County to identify individuals in need and connect them with these services.

More information on overnight shelters, public warming centers, and other resources is available at

You can learn more about Faith Hope and Charity at their website.

For more information, contact

Funding Opportunities for Service Providers

Are you a provider of health, social, and/or homeless services?

The Grant Writer & Researcher for the Benton County Coordinated Homeless Response Office has compiled a list of upcoming funding opportunities from local, state, and national funders that relate to HOPE and homelessness work in the Benton County region.

Benton County service providers can reach out to with questions or to inquire about technical assistance for applying.

Graphic of diverse people with speech bubbles above them over a pastel purple and green background.

The Partnership for Community Health: Linn, Benton & Lincoln Counties seeks community input into regional Community Health Improvement Plan

Graphic of diverse people with speech bubbles above them over a pastel purple and green background.

*** Español a continuación ***

In 2022, the Benton County Health Department, in collaboration with the Partnership for Community Health: Linn, Benton & Lincoln Counties, began a regional community health assessment and improvement planning process. The regional health assessment (CHA) phase of the process is now complete, and the Partnership for Community Health is ready to share the results with the community and gather input on key health issues to include in the regional community health improvement plan (CHIP). The CHIP guides how the region focuses resources that are working to improve the health of all people who live, work, learn and play in Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties. 

The Partnership will hold two virtual community conversations to review the key health themes from the data and seek community input on priorities for the regional CHIP. 

In person community conversations will also be held for Spanish- and Arabic-speaking populations. For more opportunities to participate in community conversations, visit:

Other ways to get involved

Attendance at a community conversation is encouraged, but not required to contribute to the planning process. Community members can also access a copy of the presentation and vote on their priorities by accessing the following links:

For inquiries or additional information:


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

La Asociación para la Salud Comunitaria de los Condados de Linn, Benton y Lincoln piden su participación en el Plan Regional de Mejoramiento de la Salud Comunitaria

Graphic of diverse people with speech bubbles above them over a pastel purple and green background.

En el 2022, el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton, en colaboración con la Asociación para la Salud Comunitaria de los Condados de Linn, Benton y Lincoln, comenzó un proceso regional de planificación de mejora y evaluación de la salud comunitaria. La fase de la evaluación de la salud regional (CHA) ahora está completa y la Asociación para la Salud Comunitaria está lista para compartir los resultados con la comunidad y necesita ayuda en identificar los problemas de salud más importantes para incluirlos en el plan regional de mejoramiento de la salud comunitaria (CHIP). Este plan indica cómo la región enfocará los recursos se usan para mejorar la salud de todas las personas que viven, trabajan, aprenden y juegan en los condados de Linn, Benton y Lincoln.

La Asociación llevará a cabo dos conversaciones comunitarias virtuales para revisar los temas de salud más importantes en base a la información reunida y pide la participación de la comunidad para identificar las prioridades para el plan regional.

También se llevarán a cabo conversaciones comunitarias en persona para las poblaciones de habla hispana y árabe. Para conocer más oportunidades de participar en las conversaciones comunitarias, visite:

Otras formas de participar

Se invita al público a asistir a una conversación comunitaria pero no es necesaria para contribuir al proceso. Los miembros de la comunidad también pueden obtener una copia de la presentación y votar para identificar sus prioridades visitando los siguientes enlaces:

Para preguntas o información adicional:


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

Headshot photo of a white woman with long blonde hair, laid over a blue background. White text says "Interim Health Department Director, April Holland, MPH, CIC (she/her). Effective March 15, 2023"

Benton County names new Interim Health Department Director

***Español a continuación***

April Holland has been appointed Interim Health Department Director for Benton County effective March 15, 2023. April will be stepping in to replace outgoing Director, Suzanne Hoffman, who departs the Health Department to serve as the Interim County Administrator. 

April joined Benton County as the Deputy Director of Public Health in December of 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic response. As our local public health administrator, she successfully led our community and organization through the continuing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and other emergency responses by ensuring close collaboration and coordination with community partners. 

Headshot photo of a white woman with long blonde hair, laid over a blue background. White text says "Interim Health Department Director, April Holland, MPH, CIC (she/her). Effective March 15, 2023"

April came to the Benton County Health Department from California where she oversaw Epidemiology, Communicable Disease, Immunizations, Vital Statistics and Public Health Preparedness programs. April earned her Master of Public Health degree from Oregon State University. She has many years of experience in operations, policy and community public health work with a focus on integrating all facets of public health. 

Through a communication style that combines diplomacy, clarity and a trauma-informed approach, April’s commitment to the values of equity, diversity and inclusion is ever present. Her exceptional skills and her commitment to the well-being of the community will continue to serve the Health Department and the County well.

The Health Department is grateful to April for assuming this interim role as we take the time to plan for a recruitment process for the permanent position.


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

El Condado de Benton nombra su nueva Directora Interina del Departamento de Salud

April Holland ha sido nombrada Directora Interina del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton a partir del 15 de marzo de 2023. April tomará el cargo para reemplazar a la Directora saliente, Suzanne Hoffman, quien deja el Departamento de Salud para servir como Administradora Interina del Condado.

April se unió al Condado de Benton como Directora de Salud Pública en diciembre de 2020, en el punto más crítico de la pandemia de COVID-19. Como nuestra administradora de salud pública local, dirigió con éxito a nuestra comunidad y organización a través de los continuos desafíos de la pandemia de COVID-19 y otras respuestas de emergencia, garantizando una colaboración muy cercana y la coordinación con agencias y organizaciones de la comunidad.

April llegó al Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton desde California, donde supervisó los programas de Epidemiología, Enfermedades Transmisibles, Inmunizaciones, Estadísticas Vitales y Preparación para la Salud Pública. April obtuvo su Maestría en Salud Pública de la Universidad Estatal de Oregón. Tiene muchos años de experiencia en operaciones gubernamentales, sus políticas y trabajo de salud pública comunitaria con un enfoque en la integración de todos los aspectos de la salud pública.

April está comprometida con sus valores de equidad, diversidad e inclusión y se manifiestan por medio de su estilo de comunicación que combina la diplomacia, consideración y claridad. Sus habilidades excepcionales y su compromiso con el bienestar de la comunidad seguirán sirviendo bien al Departamento de Salud y al Condado.

El Departamento de Salud agradece a April por asumir esta función interina mientras nos tomamos el tiempo para planificar un proceso de contratación para el puesto permanentemente.


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

Picture of Benton County Sunset building with text that says "Developmental Diversity is moving! February 27, 2023. New location: 4077 SW Research Way"

County Developmental Diversity move to help meet community needs

***Español a continuación***

The Benton County Developmental Diversity program will relocate to the Benton County Sunset Building at 4077 SW Research Way in Corvallis on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. The office will be closed from Wednesday, Feb. 22 through Friday, Feb. 24 in order to complete the move.

The Developmental Diversity Program has been working from its current leased space on 2420 Professional Drive in Corvallis since October 2015. Since then, the program has expanded to meet the growing needs of the community and has outgrown its current space. The move into the Sunset Building will provide more space for the program. 

The Developmental Diversity Program has been working from its current leased space since October 2015. Since then, the program has expanded to meet the growing needs of the community and has outgrown its current space. The move will provide more space for the program to better serve clients and bring staff closer to their peers in other County programs.

“We have worked closely with our partners at the Health Department throughout the pandemic,” said Developmental Diversity Division Manager, Jasper Smith. “Being co-located with them offers many opportunities for the future. 

Picture of Benton County Sunset building with text that says "Developmental Diversity is moving! February 27, 2023. New location: 4077 SW Research Way"

“Being co-located with [our partners at the Health Department] offers many opportunities for the future.”

Jasper Smith, Developmental Diversity Director

We will also be close to other community partners such as Vocational Rehabilitation to support people with disabilities in accessing jobs that contribute to the community.”

The Benton County Developmental Diversity Program provides support for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that meet state criteria for eligibility. The program serves as the point of access to services and support for people in Benton County. Learn more about the program and services.


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or

El Programa de Diversidades de Desarrollo del Condado de Benton se moverá

El Programa de Diversidades de Desarrollo del Condado de Benton se moverá al edificio Sunset del Condado de Benton en 4077 SW Research Way, en Corvallis el lunes 27 de febrero de 2023. Su oficina estará cerrada desde el miércoles 22 de febrero hasta el viernes 24 de febrero para completar la mudanza.

El Programa de Diversidades de Desarrollo ha estado trabajando desde octubre de 2015 hasta la fecha, en un lugar rentado en el 2420 Professional Drive. Desde entonces, el programa se ha expandido para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de la comunidad requiriendo un lugar más grande del que actualmente se tiene. La mudanza al edificio Sunset brindará más espacio para que el programa atienda mejor a los clientes y acercará a los empleados con sus compañeros de trabajo de otros programas del condado.

“Hemos trabajado muy de cerca con nuestros socios en el Departamento de Salud durante la pandemia”, dijo el Gerente de la División de Diversidades de Desarrollo, Jasper Smith. “Compartir la ubicación con ellos ofrece muchas oportunidades para el futuro”.

El Programa de Diversidades de Desarrollo del Condado de Benton ofrece apoyo a niños y adultos con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo que cumplen con los criterios estatales de elegibilidad. El programa sirve como punto de acceso a los servicios y apoyo para las personas en el Condado de Benton. Para obtener más información sobre el programa y los servicios, visite:…

“También estaremos cerca de otros socios de la comunidad como Rehabilitación Vocacional para ayudar a las personas con discapacidades a tener acceso a trabajos que contribuyan a la comunidad”, dijo Smith.

El cambio de domicilio es porque otros departamentos se mudaron del edificio Sunset del Condado de Benton al nuevo edificio Kalapuya, también en Research Way, dejando espacio para el Programa de Diversidades de Desarrollo.


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

Homeless Response News 11-8-22

Meet Sheena & Sam: A story from Corvallis Housing First

A woman and child pose and smile.

“There’s so much. Just breathe and keep your head up. Because even though it feels like you’re going to drown, there’s always people to help you. As long as you’re willing to put your hand up and say, ‘I need help.’”

Sheena is a single mom who has been utilizing Corvallis Housing First’s case management services for a little over a year. Her and her son Sam (age 6) lost their housing in California and moved to Oregon in hopes of having a better chance in finding a place to live. They were unable to find housing and had no other options but to camp. Due to their housing instability, Sheena asked Sam’s grandparents on his father’s side if they could care for him until she was able to become more stable and get back into housing. They are now reunited and live in an apartment of their own.

Community Progress Update – HOPE Recommendations

A chart illustrating the components of a shelter system.

In June, we issued a Community Progress Report, detailing ways in which the City, County, and community partners were progressing toward the implementation of and alignment with the HOPE recommendations.

Since then, we’ve made updates to our HOPE Recommendations and Community Progress webpage, detailing additional progress made since the June report was released.

Some highlights include:

Visit our page to see all of the progress

Benton County, City of Corvallis, & Community Services Consortium (CSC) memorialize partnership to implement Coordinated Homeless Response System

Benton County, the City of Corvallis, and Community Services Consortium (CSC) this month finalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to memorialize the existing partnership between the three agencies toward addressing homelessness.

The purpose of the MOU is to establish an effective framework for collaboration among the parties for the development of a coordinated homeless response.

The signed MOU marks one more step toward meeting the requirements set forth in House Bill 4123, a state pilot program awarding municipal partnerships $1 million in funding to support coordinated homeless response.

While Corvallis is currently the only Benton County city signed on to the MOU, the County hopes additional cities will join. Language in the memorandum was developed intentionally to allow additional cities to easily sign into partnership with the County.

Benton County Partners with Community in Prioritizing Housing Solutions, ROCKit Grant Program Maps the Way

A pink and purple sunrise over pine trees with mountains in the distance.

“Solutions to homelessness are a priority for our community and Benton County is committed to addressing affordability and homelessness by engaging the whole community in assuring safe, healthy, and affordable housing for all community members.”

Benton County, the City of Corvallis, Community Services Consortium, and key health and social service providers are partnering with Community ROCKit (Resource Organizer for Communities Kit) program in the development of a coordinated entry system that connects community members to housing and services.

An effective coordinated entry process helps Benton County prioritize the most vulnerable people in our community ensuring that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. Coordinated entry processes also provide information about service needs and gaps to help communities plan their assistance and identify needed resources.

The grant-funded Community ROCKit program has previously partnered with Umatilla, Tillamook, Morrow, and Gilliam Counties to help these communities identify solutions to local challenges such as childcare affordability, access to mental health services, and emergency housing crisis. Benton County’s collaboration with ROCKit will build off the efforts of the Home, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity (HOPE) Board, a joint effort to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response to homelessness. The HOPE Board included coordinated entry in its recommendations to the City and County.

For more information, visit:

View the full news release

Benton County offers funding to support establishment of inclement weather center

Benton County Public Health is seeking funding proposals to help provide overnight emergency shelter for people experiencing houselessness during severe weather.

Up to $300,000 in funding could be available to support the provision and operation of a local inclement weather center to be activated on nights when hot, cold, or otherwise extreme weather meets designated thresholds. The County is utilizing $50,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds for the center and hopes to provide an additional $250,000, contingent upon receiving additional grant funds through the City of Corvallis, a decision that is currently pending.

“We are grateful to provide this funding opportunity that could help individuals with inadequate shelter from being exposed to potentially life-threatening weather,” said Public Health Preparedness and Response Coordinator, John Pegg.

“With cold weather and winter storms just around the corner, the County is prepared to work quickly to expedite the review process for projects that qualify for funding under this opportunity,” Pegg said.

The County will apply an equity lens when determining placement and establishment of a potential warming center and will award points based on service delivery for diverse populations, trauma-informed care, and client-oriented focus, among other categories.

View the full news release

$1 Million in funding available for emergency shelter & housing

A chalkboard drawing of a family inside a house.

The City of Corvallis is seeking funding proposals to help shelter or house people experiencing houselessness in our community.

Up to $1 million in funding from the Oregon Legislature is available. This opportunity is intended to fund projects that can create emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing, with financial support for accompanying service provisions.

“We are thankful the state provided this one-time funding so service providers can create more safe, warm and dry places for our houseless community members,” said Community Development Director Paul Bilotta. “The City is prepared to work quickly to expedite the review process for projects that qualify for funding under this opportunity.”

View the full news release

The HOPE Advisory Board meets tomorrow

Three pairs of hands hold a cardboard house in their hands.

November and December HOPE Advisory board meetings are being held two weeks earlier than normal, due to the observed holidays. New dates are as follows:

November 9, 2022, 4-6pm

December 14, 2022, 4-6pm

This month’s meeting features a presentation on the Justice System Improvement Project (JSIP): what are the components, why do we need them, and how do the HOPE Recommendations relate?

Guest Speakers:

  • Benton County Commissioner Xan Augerot
  • Benton County Sheriff Jef Van Arsdall
  • Damien Sands, Benton County Behavioral Health Director
  • Nick Kurth, JSIP Project Manager

View the full agenda.

Join us on your computer or mobile app: Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 286 479 023 593

Passcode: 7QXFdu

Or call in (audio only): +1 412-664-5196

Phone Conference ID: 698 575 650#

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