Behavioral Health Support Services
Behavioral Health Support Services
Peer Specialist Services
The Peer Specialist Program is designed to assist enrolled clients and community members in addressing overall health improvement goals. The program offers office and community-based options.
Who are Peers
Peer Specialists self-identify as a current or former consumer of mental health and/or substance abuse services. Peers participate as a care team member to provide client centered services within the behavioral health program to improve engagement and participation in services. They provide a safe place to discuss concerns with a non-clinical person about their mental health and/or substance use.
In order to offer services to enrolled clients, Peers:
- Function within a care team providing recovery oriented services
- Model positive recovery skills
- Offer social support
- Act as a navigator to connect individuals with wellness resources, such medical and dental services,
- Connect individuals with community resources
- Teach advocacy skills
- Provide LGBTQ+ peer support
- Provide support in accessing LGBTQ+ community engagement opportunities/resources

Housing Support Services
The Housing Program provides case management services to behavioral health clients in order to help them obtain and maintain independent housing. Our team Consists of Behavioral Health Providers and Peer Support Specialists
Services offered:
- Case Management
- Skills training
- Home visits
- Advocacy
- Systems navigation
- Liaison support to section 8
Eligibility Requirements:
- Income
- Homeless/At Risk or Transitioning from high levels of care
- Severe and Persistently Mental Ill Diagnosis
Residential referrals
- Treatment homes/facilities and adult foster homes
Supported Employment Services

Benton County offers Supported Employment services for individuals enrolled in the ACT and EASA programs. The Supported Employment Program follows an evidence-based practice model called Individual Placement and Support (IPS). The IPS model helps people living with mental health conditions (such as schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, depression) work at regular jobs of their choosing.
For more information about Supported Employment, please visit the website for the Oregon Supported Employment Center for Excellence:
Related Services and Info

Adult Behavioral Health
We offer a range of Adult Outpatient Mental Health Services. Our care teams focus on best practices for therapy and treatment.

Early Assessment & Support Alliance
EASA is a free program that serves young people who currently are or have recently been experiencing early at-risk symptoms for psychosis.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
ACT provides intensive, highly integrated, community-based services for people who have a serious mental illness.

Crisis Services
Information and resource for crisis phone lines, crisis text services, in person drop-in counseling, and mobile crisis services in the community.