About Healthy Communities
About Healthy Communities

Health happens where we live, learn, work, and play. The Healthy Communities Division works to improve population-level health using evidenced-based policy focused interventions. We work with communities, community-based organizations, and other community partners to identify and promote changes in policies, systems, and environments that improve health outcomes in Benton County.
Healthy Communities Programs
Community Health Assessments & Improvement Plans
A Community Health Assessment, or CHA, displays a wide range of data about health indicators and factors that influence health. A Community Health Improvement Plan, or CHIP, is a strategic plan that serves as a guide for the community to identify priority health issues, and coordinate community partners to improve health.
Benton County Health Department first convened partners to develop a CHIP in 2011. Since then, the Benton County Health Department has continued to build relationships with partners to continue community health improvement work.
Our CHIP will be informed by the CHA data and community input. It is renewed on a three-year cycle.
Mental Health Promotion and Prevention
MHPP promotes healthy behaviors, healthy environments, and factors that help prevent the onset, or development of, a diagnosable mental health disorder. The goal is also to help reduce stigma around mental health or seeking help, as well as increase opportunities for community education and training.
Training opportunities we offer include
- QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper training
- Mental Health First Aid
- Trauma Informed Care
- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
- Sources of Strength
- Oregon Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)
We also partner with the Benton Youth Suicide Prevention Coalition, and are available for community promotion, event tabling, and other mental health awareness collaboration.
Tobacco Prevention and Education
The Tobacco Prevention and Education Program strives to make our community healthier.
- Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke
- Preventing youth from starting tobacco or nicotine
- Identifying and eliminating tobacco-related disparities
- Helping individuals currently using tobacco to quit.
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and Education
Benton County ADPEP program aims to promote health and prevent substance use, misuse, and abuse. We work with community partners to reduce risk factors and increase protective factors associated with alcohol and other drugs to help make Benton County safer and healthier.
ADPEP programs include:
• Responsible Alcohol Sales Training
• Safe Disposal of Medications
• Fentanyl Aware
Communications, Outreach, and Engagement
We work with community partners to get important messages about public health to the community in an accurate and timely manner. Our goal is to promote health through accessible, culturally-relevant, and trauma-informed communication through:
- Social media
- Health Department news and media relations
- Community event support, tabling, and presentations
- Creation or review of flyers, posters, brochures, handouts, social media posts, etc.
- Translation and transcreation
- Accessibility and readability reviews
Harm Reduction
Harm Reduction helps people
stay safe when they have sex or use drugs.
Free services include:
- Non-judgmental peer support
- Rapid HIV testing
- Rapid Hepatitis C testing
- Needle exchange
- Naloxone/Narcan
- Help with Oregon Health Plan
- Referrals for services