Advisory Committees
Advisory Committees
Health Department Advisory Boards help community members’ lived experiences inform and advise policy-makers. Attend a meeting or join a board to get involved.
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Home, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity (HOPE) Advisory Board
The HOPE Advisory Board is a joint effort between Benton County and the City of Corvallis to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response from the county, cities, and diverse community partners, leaders, and persons experiencing homelessness.
The HOPE Advisory Board is an important piece of a larger Coordinated Homeless Response Office.
HOPE Advisory Board Vision
Everyone in Benton County should have the opportunity to live in decent, safe, and affordable housing.
HOPE Advisory Board Values
Use data to drive assessments, prioritization and accountability.
In order to best use scarce resources, we must understand the scope of the problem, evaluate the outcomes of our investments, evaluate progress and demonstrate accountability.
Take a comprehensive systems and multi-sector approach.
Strengthen system capacity and increase leveraging opportunities across systems of care, such as domestic violence, physical, mental and behavioral health, criminal justice, and housing providers. To provide a home for everyone, we must increase coordination and collaboration of service providers and strengthen efficiencies in our current system and better align our resources.
Engage and involve the community, not just direct service providers.
Policy makers and community stakeholders must understand the magnitude of the challenge in achieving the vision, the costs of not achieving the vision, and the strategies necessary to get there. HOPE will strive to ensure that the specific concerns and interests of local and county-wide stakeholders are heard and considered.
Prioritize vulnerable populations.
While homelessness can be traumatic for anyone, there are those whose health and safety is at greater risk without a safe and stable home. For example, women fleeing domestic violence, children and people with disabilities, etc.
Promote community safety for all.
This work is intended to be generally inclusive of all housing and services for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in Benton County while acknowledging the limitations of funding and considering the impact on safety and livability. Hereinafter, this service scope will be referred to as Homelessness and Supportive Services System, or “System”.
Promote racial and ethnic justice.
In order to ensure that our programs do not unintentionally favor one population over another population we will strive to provide culturally specific services, and use a racial equity lens across all program recommendations.
Click here to download the Policy Recommendation documents.
Attend an Upcoming HOPE Advisory Board Meeting
The HOPE Advisory Board meets once per quarter, typically on the 4th Wednesday of the months chosen by the HOPE Executive Committee. Meeting notices and agendas should be posted at least seven days prior to each meeting.
Click here for information on Past Meetings
Older Meeting Recordings:
Click here for HOPE Advisory Board Governing Documents
Click here for historical governing documents

Home, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity (HOPE) Executive Committee
The HOPE Executive Committee decides who serves on the HOPE Advisory Board when there are vacancies, and they also set the agendas for the full board meetings. The Committee has 7 board members from the 21-person HOPE Board.
The HOPE Executive Committee is an important piece of a larger Coordinated Homeless Response Office.
Attend an Upcoming HOPE Executive Committee Meeting
HOPE Executive Committee Meeting – January 8, 2025
Meeting Documentation
Click here for information on Past Meetings
Click here for the HOPE Advisory Board Governing Documents, which also apply to the HOPE Executive Committee

Food Service Advisory Committee (FSAC)
The Food Service Advisory Committee (FSAC) makes recommendations to the Benton County Board of Commissioners and evaluates the effectiveness of food service statutes relating to licensing; inspections and re-inspections of restaurants; license revocation, suspension, closures, sanitation, scores; and county delegation (administration, enforcement, fees).
Attend an Upcoming FSAC Meeting
The Food Service Advisory Committee meets as need is determined by the members. Meeting notices and agendas should be posted at least seven days prior to each meeting.
Click here for information on Past Meetings
Click here for Food Service Advisory Committee’s Governing Documents

Mental Health, Addictions, and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (MHADDAC)
The Mental Health, Addictions, and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (MHADDAC) was formed in the fall of 2000. This committee was created from the merger of the Mental Health Citizen’s Advisory Board and the Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. This merger establishes an advisory board structure that reflects the structure within the Health Department – an integrated Alcohol and Drug, and Mental Health Program.
The committee works on identifying community needs, gaps in services, and advises both the health department and the County Board of Commissioners. Annually the committee provides formal recommendations regarding services to the Board of Commissioners.
Attend an Upcoming MHADDAC Meeting
The Mental Health, Addictions, and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Commitee meets monthly, typically on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held in a hybrid environment once each quarter, and the remaining meetings are held virtually.
Click here for information on Past Meetings
Click here for Mental Health, Addictions, and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee’s Governing Documents

Public Health Planning and Advisory Committee (PHPAC)
PHPAC is currently on hiatus due to ongoing staffing changes; the Committee will reconvene as soon as possible.
Click here for historical information
The Public Health Planning and Advisory Committee (PHPAC) historically had up to thirteen members. Up to six members may be health practitioners with Oregon licensure or certification in a health profession. Up to six members may be members of the general public, well informed on public health matters and – to the extent possible – reflective of the County’s overall age, geography, economy and ethnicity. One member shall be a youth or student. Members must be residents of Benton County.
The Committee function is to monitor health conditions and needs of the County’s residents as well as the needs and issues of the Health Department. PHPAC serves to identify unmet needs and make program recommendations, solicit community support for the Health Department, and have an ongoing role in health education through public and press relations.
PHPAC members are selected from applicants to the Benton County Board of Commissioners.
Older Governing Documents: